Following the creation of the zpArdoise theme, many people have asked me how to install and use a guestbook.
Rather than respond to every request, I dedicate a post on the subject.
Here is the method used to install a guestbook on Zenphoto:
- install a guestbook script on your site (personally, I use the script AlexGuestBook, installed at the root of my site, but there are many others),
- configure the script as recommended by the publisher, your desires and your purpose (personally, I use the AguestNew skin),
- on your Zenphoto site, activate the ZenPage plugin,
- create a page called « Guestbook » (or another name to your convenience), and in the « Code block 1 » from this page, copy the code attached,
- if necessary, adapt the theme of the script to match with your Zenphoto site (personally, I modified the file templates/skins/AguestNew/alex_livre.css to match it with my zpArdoise theme).
That's all folks!
<script type="text/javascript"> function setHeight(){
var hauteur;
var monFrm = document.getElementById('forum');
hauteur = monFrm.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;
hauteur = monFrm.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight;
monFrm.setAttribute("height", hauteur);
<div style="width: 800px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;">
<iframe id="forum" name="livre-d-or" onload="setHeight()" src="../agb/index.php" width="100%" align="middle">
La Billebaudeuse: on 04/13/2011
Grâce à ces indications j'ai réussi à installer un livre d'or sur mon site.
binoyte: on 01/17/2012
Vincent: on 01/17/2012
Il en existe d'autres, et je pense que le principe d'intégration à ZenPhoto sera le même.
Vincent: on 04/25/2012
Cette mise à jour est donc "critique" et il est vivement conseillé de mettre à jour son livre d'or afin d'éviter des piratages.